My current place of residence in new construction. This is a first for me and it definitely has its benefits. One of which is thoughtful placement of outlets and such. When I first encountered my new bedroom I realized there was an electrical outlet and cable outlet placed smack dab in the middle of the wall. Now, I can understand the appeal of this if I were the type of fellow to say, mount large televisions on my wall... but as you can imagine, I'm not. So, for a solid year I was staring at these outlets trying to devise a way to cover them properly.
Whilst scanning a home magazine not too long ago, I noticed a shelf that was used to set frames atop of. What a grand idea! Of course, Ikea has such shelves, so with the help of the one and only Scott, I managed to pick one up and get it mounted on my wall to handle as much. The result is as follows.
Whilst scanning a home magazine not too long ago, I noticed a shelf that was used to set frames atop of. What a grand idea! Of course, Ikea has such shelves, so with the help of the one and only Scott, I managed to pick one up and get it mounted on my wall to handle as much. The result is as follows.

I'm pleased with this! I think it fits the wall nicely and accomplished the said task. If I hadn't have told you, I would imagine you wouldn't even have known said outlets exist.
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