Tuesday, April 27, 2010

On Quinoa

I love Quinoa, ya'll.

It's been at the center of my food attention now for quite some time, for a number of reasons. Some of these are based in taste and some are based in nutritional value.

Nutritionally, Quinoa is extremely high in protein and contains amino acids, making it a "complete protein." As a vegetarian, to be able to cook with things that are both delicious and fulfilling my dietary needs is exciting. I'm new to cooking Quinoa, but I've recently realized it is quite simple and can be deliciously served warm or cold.

Last night, I ventured into black quinoa territory (which I bought purely for aesthetics) and made myself a warm salad of quinoa, blue cheese, dried cherries, fried tofu and broccoli. Um, Yum. I'm incredibly excited to eat the leftovers for lunch today.

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