Friday, March 5, 2010

On What's Next and the Canon Vixia HF10

Yesterday I asked my dearest Mary if she was ready for me to undergo and existential crisis. She responded in the affirmative. See, we've done this before. We'll probably do it again, but I can feel it coming because all of these things that I've been waiting to culminate are actually doing so. As of next Wednesday I will have completed all my course work for my graduate degree. This has taken me two and a half years of straight course work. No time off. Given the fact that I've been working full-time the whole time, I'm quite proud of this accomplishment, but with any sort of graduation of commencement comes the ever feared "What's next?" question. In addition to completing this little portion of my life, I've also just finished a photography exhibit and been denied from some summer voice plans, so I'm on the verge of tackling that question hardcore. But before I actually get to deep into that topic (another blog post maybe?) let me say that I've been considering ways in which to better promote myself as a singer. I've never really invested in this to be perfectly honest. Most of the work I get is word of mouth and because it has been supplemental (and will continue to be) I haven't been terribly concerned about it. But now, given some newly available potential free time, I'm interested in how I can really get the word out there that this is what I do and I think I do a pretty good job of it. In fact, you should consider hiring me to do it.

Which brings me to one of the ways in which I think I'm going to be able to do this. I have purchased the following video camera as a first step. I've done a bunch of research and I think this is really the best bang for my buck. The Canon Vixia HF10. It is an HD camera that has some incredible features, but for the most part, will take high quality video and be a simple way for me to document that which I am doing so regularly.
It's cute, too, no?

In a general sense, this is a first step for me in the "What's next?" process. Documentation is so important in the creative process and I want to do a better job of that in an effort to share with those who already do support me and engage those who don't know what it is that I'm doing.

I'll let you know when it shows up in the mail.

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